U4P102: Personal Self-Development

Welcome to Personal Self-Development
This “co-ed” course is focused on how to develop new habits, create crisis into opportunity and how to activate and sustain desirable results in your life. It will reveal the principles of growth, evolution, and transformation!  Imagine seeing yourself more confident, more excellent, more magnificent and reaching and obtaining your dreams and desires! Living your life like it’s golden provides tools to develop the mindset to ensure success in your relationships, career and life!

To create a safe and supportive communal space for Parent Learners to develop wellness plans and coping skills that encourage them to grow and thrive.

Course Pillars
Heritage, Spirituality, Stress, Wellness, Prosperity, Relationships, Creativity, Media Watch, Community, Mentoring

Weekly Virtual Classroom
6:00-8:00 PM (EST)


Dr. Fiyah Oates
University for Parents